Educating Mao ※
Subject: drive around the bay
Dear Mum and Dad
I am greatly heartened to hear that John continues to make progress and is keeping in good heart. He has always had a strong constitution. I would love to be able to say to him,
"Take up your bed and walk".
However I am sure the hospital is doing the next best thing. I vaguely recall lump sum ACC payments have been closed down. Do you know anything about these matters?
I myself have been in body pain since last Wednesday after the demented attack by the Maori girl's father. Fortunately I hit a metal post which stopped me hitting the ground and exacerbating old injuries. However for a day there was blood in my urine. I was violently pushed from behind and landed at the feet of Choice Plaza Saint Patrick night celebraters. A large man leaped up and the monster retreated immediately. Then about six other Choice Plaza men chased him away. He confirms our worst fears about Maoris. All very revolting and predatory behaviour. I am naturally afraid of another attack. But everyone assures me he will keep away. A rough Maori element have come into the public library to use the free internet service. They insist on playing their ghetto music. Everyone hates them in Auckland city.
So Julia is getting married on 2 April. I haven't heard word from anyone else about it. Perhaps they assume I won't come. I will send a message to P and D hinting I want to come. What city will it be held in?
I have two promising employment contacts with air ticket promises from China and Oman. An employer in Oman has asked for feed back from my previous Oman College. That ended under a cloud. But the HOD was very supportive and wanted me to stay on to the end of that semester. He had seen me teaching but I was trapped with only loser male students. I do usually well with motivated academic classes. Well we will wait and see. The China contact has asked for my preferences.
I am now very specific about what to ask. I was unfortunately lied to and tricked about my last time in China. Otherwise I would not have taken up that school.
It is strange and disquieting Dad losing his hearing aid. How large is the missing piece? I could never comprehend the loss of my glasses at your house.
I was interested to read in the Gisborne Herald a defence by Italian Bishops and their Prime Minister on the paedophile business. I know the Gisborne Herald editor is Catholic. I have been outraged at the vendetta by the msm. It makes no sense as it is mixing up sexual abuse with old fashioned legal corporal punishment.
I sent an email to the Herald Editorial Office accusing a plot to bring down Pope Benedict because he is working to restore the old values of the Church and is allied to Bishop Williamson. Not even the old Communists when they targeted their ideological enemies were so Satanic.
In the meantime Obama is taking a stand and is now receiving the blow back of Western snide reporting. Interesting times. The U S mIlitary has broken with Israel. If the Israelis do not heed Obama they are going to have a military confrontation with America. He has probably told them that.
I am now reading a fascinating book about the legacy of Zoroaster in the world with emphasis on his birth place Central Asia. It was the first morality religion. Although literal Zoroasterism cannot return, I believe it is in Central Asia that the forces of global Satanism are being challenged by Zoroastrian values against deception and exploitation. That is why the Iranian regime is being targeted in the same Satanic way as the Catholic hierarchy.
I keep forgetting to explain the thin white men from South Island with glasses. I mean that all the nerve ends of western society have in the last decade been exposed by them. Hayward, twentieth century history, Ellis, children, Bain, family, Weatherston, romance.
I went for a drive with Roger to the Bay and we had lunch together.
Like me he is very dismayed by the Hide reforms of Auckland city.
John Key is turning out to be the reptile I suspected.
Love from Lloyd
Subject: invitation to wedding
Dear Mum and Dad
I have booked my accommodation in Choice Backpackers to end on Wednesday. I plan to leave to the wedding on Thursday. However I have received no word on my invitation nor the city it will be in. I assume it is Gisborne.
I have had encouraging responses from Oman. They are aware I need an air ticket. Falahj has not yet communicated with them. But I know he will put in a good word for me. I need a good College with learners not losers, ie mostly women students.
There will be plenty of positions available in August and there are vacancies before in Oman.
I am workng on a short story set in Asia Minor in the end of the first century AD. My recent sad family experiences will be brought into it. I suggest I take the bus to the wedding on my own money. If you like the story you can reward me with a nice cheque of a couple of hunded dollars.
I have just completed Why Johnny Can't Read. Very interesting. It is not too far-fetched; it prophecies the destruction of the middle class in America and now everywhere else in the West.
Love from Lloyd
ps I have just received word from Paul confirming my invitation to the wedding.
Subject: cellphone stolen
Dear Mum and Dad
I have sent you my nefertiti article and two unpublished comments to the New Zealand Herald. I hope you enjoy them. I have also sent you what may be a job offer in China. Please keep mum about the China "offer".
My cellphone has been stolen in the public library. A person told me he had seen it on the floor. The computer user after me took it. He later texted my room mate James that it was handed in at the library. I went immediately but it was a hoax. I rang up my number from the station and a Graham answered that he was not available. When I came back, James told me that the thief (an Indian) had rung up and asked for a reward. It is clearly now down a brown hole.
I have now purchased another one that I keep literally close to my chest. Its new number is 0212177516. I suggested to the constable they trace the phone. She said that was too expensive. They only do that for murder. Vodaphone won't trace it either as it was purchased outside New Zealand.
I attended the anti-mining march today. I was surprised the crowd was 50,000. But that was the police report. I met Mat McCarten. He beamed when I gave my name. I have frequently commented on his Herald articles.
Love from Lloyd
Subject: cannibalism on youtube
Hi Professor Moon
I have just seen Key's joke about cannibalism on youtube.
I had thought it was an off the cuff remark. But having seen it, it seemed carefully pre-planned. A shot across the bow as it were. Your book Horrid Practice may now be read and noted in unexpected places.
Mr Key has been doing a lot of mysterious hanging around New Zealand military bases.
As every long distance traveller knows, you don't travel half way around the world for anyone other than close relations.
Then he flies immediately to the Afghanistan base.
Then he cancels the transfer deal with Tuhoe.
In the meantime we have the accident of Judith Binney in Princess Street, then the helicopter crash of army personnel. All are on the mysterious side.
Recently I read your Kosovo book. The parallels are unmistakable.
The Serb nationalists were unsophisticated and allowed the Albanians to win the media, the most important battlefield.
I suspect Key – not a Jew for nothing – is aware of this and is preparing for a media conflict.
Since I came back from New Zealand, I have started to give street Maori a wide berth. I have been in the last few months assaulted three times, one could have cost me my life or at least very serious injury. There is a palpable feeling in the air. My brother was also in Napier suddenly exposed to a foul verbal attack without any provocation.
Any thoughts about this? Are we being Balkanised?
Lloyd Gretton
Subject: flying to china
Dear Mum and Dad
I will be flying to a school in Harbin, in northern China. I will be given full time employment and promised no children under eleven.
A single apartment is provided with full facilties. Also I will have adult classes.
The school is called Top International School. WINZ paid for my ticket.
My flight is this Friday in the early hours of the morning.
Love from Lloyd
Subject: letter from lloyd gretton
Dear Lloyd
Many thanks for this email. I have not considered the issues you raise from this perspective before. I am inclined by nature to be an optimist, but acknowledge that things are not always as pleasant as they might be.
As for an explanation of some of the circumstances you mention, I can only attibute the examples of abuse to a decline in standards of decency, which seems to cut across all race and gender lines.
Anyway, thanks again for getting in touch.
All the best,
Subject: stalinist msm publishing
Dear Mum and Dad
Yes it was startling. They keep telling us the future belongs to China. They sensibly go through a state of near amnesia about the twentieth century. Thus scarcely baggage. WINZ was very nice about it. I don't have to pay it back. They even gave me a hundred dollars surplus and overseas I am entitled to one more week of benefit.
I made a few boobs in my communication with the school. Perhaps it is a good idea to start a school without too high expectations. I have been under such pressure. I communicated with the school official via skype. Skype involved internet telephone calls anywhere in the world for one dollar for half an hour.
These days it is we occidentals who are goggle eyes and the Chinese look down on us. They have been badly let down with English teaching. Their structures are generally shocking. That is where I have an employment advantage. Years of painstaking mastery of languages. But as you know savant knowledge is a doube sword.
You seem so keen for me to join the Spencer competition. I only now write for the internet. MSM publishing is so Stalinist. It is we who are accomodating. It is they who are full of intolerance.
I went to the Chinese embassy today and was told by the lady that I can cross on my visa with a one way ticket. I hope she is right.
Must go and ring up Roger.
Love from Lloyd
Subject: parents stunned
Dear Lloyd
We have just received this morning's e-mail. We are happy for your sake even though such a sudden departure has left us stunned. You have done well to be given this teaching position - your persistance has paid off.
You will be thrilled to know that Darryl File did not hesitate when I asked him about being a referee for you should you wish to enter the Margaret Spencer competition. Now I must ring him and explain the sudden change in your circumstances.
You leave N.Z. with our blessings
This must be short as the computer is a big strain for Dad.
Love and best wishes from Dad
Subject: harbin
Dear Mum and Dad
With all the stress of sudden departure, I forgot to congratulate Ben on his video achievement. Peter Jackson is always looking for new ideas and in the kiwi way would instantly jump on anything innovative with Ben.
I have now mostly packed. I am a bit concerned about my work visa. I was told at the Consulate today that it will get me on the plane without a return ticket. Commonsense says it will as it expires in middle of September 2010. But I have had problems with Chinese officials before. I have lined up various strategies to get onto the plane. I depart from New Zealand at 5.50. So while you are reading this, I should be flying over the Tasman
Harbin is near the border with Vladivostok in Siberia Russia and close to North Korea. It is Manchurian country. It began as a railway town a hundred years ago as part of the trans-Siberian railway. Now it has much white Russian architecture. Its population is close to ten million. That makes it a major Chinese city. The student population I hope is less contaminated by western ills.
Love from Lloyd
Subject: Hope all is well in China
Dear Lloyd
We now have your latest e mail and will certainly pass on to Ben your encouraging words.
We wonder where you are now ?
We have found Harbin on our map. My friend Eva once worked for a firm which had business dealings with all the "little"stops on the Siberian Railway and she remembers Harbin well.
Must make this short and not tire Dad. When you have your correct postal address I shall send you a long air mail letter and you can hear all the Gisborne gossip.
Thinking of you
Love from Mum and Dad
Subject: riot in shanghai
Dear Mum and Dad
I am now at the school in Harbin internet office. The flight from Shanghai was delayed until Saturday midday. That caused a mini riot. Staff were assaulted and a woman fainted. We had to spend the night in the airport because all hotel rooms were booked out. The airline gave each of us about 200 dollars compensation.
I met Frank at Harbin. He is a very friendly down to earth person. He has spent about five years in Australia. As you know I get on well with Australians. Tomorrow Sunday I will meet Frank again to settle matters. School for me officially starts Monday. My apartment is a great improvement on my last Chinese apartment. It is a single apartment and is next door to other foreign teachers. It is only five minutes walk away from the school. Unfortunately again I cannot access my site. I will have to go into Russia to do so. I am sorry I have given up on book publishing. It is just to accommodate that I would have to give away my intellectual freedom. You might have noticed how stale book publishing has been in the last ten years. It has slipped into a Marxist environment. I sent an email to Paul Moon and got a reply. I will email it. I also got a fan letter from a sargon site reader. I cross linked as she asked but cannot as yet access my site from her site.
My new school is quite upmarket. Harbin seems a rather quiet place but very fertile and green and flat.
I will give you my school address tomorrow. Do you think as a present you could post me the latest edition of China Lonely Planet book. They may not be available in China. If you think it is too expensive, we could split costs and I could send money from Western Union. At that point I can start exploring the city.
Congratulations to Dad on the internet!
Love from Lloyd
Subject: hear your voice
Dear Mum and Dad
My address is TOP International School, Daoli District, Harbin, People's Republic of China.
I am looking forward to getting the Lonely Planet 2001 edition China book Please check there is no sign of the title in the postage. Thank you so much.
I have purchased a new sim card and will give you my new mobile number when I have stored it. Frank today took me to the supermarket where I made purchases. He is a Chinese from Harbin and studied in Sydney.
Love from Lloyd
Subject: Your E mail received thia a.m.
Dear Lloyd
How amazingly fast things are moving for you! There you are on the other side of the world quite calm and collected!
We couldnt work out from your email whether "Frank" was Australian by birth or from another land but had spent 5 years (teaching?) in Australia.
Communication with Paul Moon should open opportunities for you. We still want to hear your voice.
Tomorrow we shall purchase your Lonely Planet book and post it to you when we have your address
Love and best wishes from Mum and Dad
Subject: Received your Sunday's e mail
Dear Mum and Dad
I had already looked Lonely Planet online for information about Harbin. That is rather remiss of Lonely Planet. As you said, back-packers don't get up here.
I will forward you a reply from Heath.
I now have a new mobile number. It is 86 1874516 9437.
My first class is on Friday. Until then I have training and a lot of free time.
I took a walk last night.
Harbin is well built up. It ranks as the tenth largest city and has nearly ten million people.
I have found a small library at the school with some excellent books. I have taken out the Father Brown stories, done my washing and got back my business trousers from the dry cleaners. I am at present at the internet at the school wearing the dry cleaned trousers you got for me during my last stay in Gisborne.
Love from Lloyd
Subject: Received your Sunday's e mail
Dear Lloyd
We have just returned from town where we visited Muir's book shop for a copy of the Lonely Planet book on China . To our amazement this weighty tome was priced at $70! We looked in the index for Harbin but it was not mentioned. The book is more for roaming back packers - lots of hints on eating places and cheap accommodation. To mail this would cost at least another $30 - we could see very little value for you.
As your new friend Frank is from Harbin he may be able to find you a book in English about Harbin's early history - maybe your new school has some interesting material?
Your email with Abigail was interesting, great to have some fan mail. Your communication with Professor Moon may have rather jolted the man. Like so many of us he wants to be optimistic, but then he doesn't live in Gisborne or inner city Auckland.
Many thanks for your address, I shall try out an air mail letter.
Always remember any computer work is very stressful for Dad.
Love and best wishes from
Mum and Dad
Subject: email from heath
Hello former colleague.
Where are you these days? Of course, my time in Iraq is finished. I wound up teaching in Baghdad for almost 2 months. It went well. There were bombs near the place though.
Lloyd, I hope you are doing well and not drinking too much. I hope your love for Christ has increased since the times I used to take you with me to Pastor Kareem's church in Duhok.
Well as you may or may not know, I am married now and about to be a father. Please remember my beautiful wife in your prayers.
We live next Haiti for the next 7 months. We are in the Dominican Republic, and have been here since January.
Today we toured Christopher Columbus's son's home. It's been an amazing winter.
My hopes to hear from you.
Subject: lloyd!
How are you these days? Still prospering I hope in the American Empire. Did you hear any of the bombs in Baghdad?
So you are married and are soon to be a father! Is she the girl you talked about? Are you now in Haiti? What are you doing there?
I have always wanted to be in the Caribean. The Haitians share with the Jews the unique honour of liberation from a literal slave condition.
I have been since Sunday in Harbin northern China. I will be teaching adolescents and adults at a language school.
No, I am not drinking much. My love for Christ is conditional on my luck.
I should have told you some news. The Britannia College owner did the dirty on me after promising me a position in Erbil.
I then spent something of a downward spiral in Sabis College Erbil, than three months in a College in Sur Oman, then two months in China.
I have now returned to I hope better fortune in China.
Subject: Received your Sunday's e mail
Dear Lloyd
It was good to hear that you have adapted to your new environment so well. A stroll around a city of ten million sounds quite an achievement, is there much air pollution?
Heath must be a very caring person as he is very much a Christian (Southern Baptist, perhaps?)
Great that you have had time to settle in before classes on Friday. Best wishes for your big day.
Much love from
Mum and Dad
Subject: employment contract
Dear Mum and Dad
I have signed my contract for one year. It does contain a probationary period for each of the next three months. After past experience I am not surprisingly anxious about that. But China is a rich market for english teaching. My paid employment started yesterday Monday.
There is work instruction for four days. This evening I have an observation lesson.
I was taken to the police station yesterday. As far as I can see my old work visa covers me until the middle of September. I certainly hope so. The policewoman hurriedly signed my documents and rushed off.
I actually got lost as usual in my walk about. I took a taxi back, the back of a bicycle, for about two dollars.
I was able to arrange ironing for my clothes today.
I am greatly enjoying Father Brown.
Love from Lloyd
Subject: Tuesday's e mail received
Dear Lloyd
Your one year contract sounds most encouraging. We fully understand your feelings about the three month probationary period.
As you say China is a rich market for teaching English and "being there" is greatly in your favour.
Tomorrow I shall post you a letter to your school address with all the familly news.
Love from Mum and Dad
Subject: classroom demonstration
Dear Mum and Dad
I think my class demonstration went well this morning with the Chinese english teachers. They were all most impressed when I said I had taught in Iraq. That always gets a reaction. I was told I would on Friday get my first timetable. I haven't received it yet.
This afternoon I was able to find the central city square. It is about forty minutes walk away. I had a dinner at the Pizza Hut there. Then I took a ferry across the city river and caught a taxi bus back into town.
I have just got an email today from a friend I had met in Shanghai during the delay.
Love from Lloyd
Subject: a bit disgruntled
Dear Mum and Dad
I have one more day before my two day break. I am feeling quite tired and a bit disgruntled. However it is interesting to have a window on the life of modern China.
My VIP adult student yesterday told me that everything in history books are lies by the government. That seems to be the natural process when a population turns away from Communism. Most of my students want to leave China and be successful in western countries. They seem very innocent.
I also have high school exchange students going to complete their schooling in Europe.
I am not sure what you mean by Friday. Maybe that was the day I did my first day of classes. I got your letter today. Full of interesting news.
John is lucky to have a caring wife. I am so hoping he will make a good recovery.
I am sorry Michaela has got hooked on Broadway. I really don't think she has that oomph and could be horribly exploited. I hope I am wrong.
How was the check up on your heart?
I continue to greatly enjoy Father Brown. I completed the Boris Johnson book.
Quite shocking events in the world. The entire world is turning again against Jewry for the same reasons as ever before. America is being bespoiled by the giant oil leak.
A person at my school showed me how I can easily access in China sargon press.
Love from Lloyd
Subject: Fw: VIP course
Dear Mum and Dad
I have forwarded to you an email from the school to give you an idea of my challenges.
Love from Lloyd
Hey Lloyd:
The vip what you have at XF school. Name:ZGC
This student need speaking and listening practice.
You suppose to make him to speak more. Not grammar.
Jacky Liu
Director of Studies
TOP International English Harbin P.R.C
Heilong Jiang Province
Subject: e mail received
Dear Lloyd
Many thanks for your email. Letter posted today
Mum & Dad
Subject: dragon boat festival
Dear Mum and Dad
I have been told that a posted general mail letter takes about three weeks to reach the school.
Not much to report. I am feeling very tired. Two days ago it was the dragon festival holiday. So we had a day off. I went to the river and saw a few boats.
The Chinese have the knack of somehow making these things very banal.
I found a neat American restaurant which serves western food and tapped beer.
Love from Lloyd
Subject: Re: e mail received
Dear Mum and Dad
I haven't yet received your post letter. I trust it will arrive in the next few days.
Nothing much to report. I now have a three day break because of the dragon boat festival. I will send you an email as soon as I receive your post letter.
Love from Lloyd
Subject: Your e mail received this a.m.
Dear Lloyd
Thank you for this morning's e mail. It is disappointing that my letter has been so long in transit. My previous letter made much quicker arrival.
From the tone of your e mail you sound much discouraged. You made a big effort to get to Harbin so we hope you can hang on there and make a success of this new appointment.
Teaching in N.Z. is a real heartbreak. Christine Cowper has finally decided to leave her teaching at Girls' High.
She had a very good position teaching maths but classroom defiance has continued to escalate and she has had enough.
The latest on john is disappointing. - ACC took him to the Dimondecoglo factory for an assesment of his capability but without the proper use of his fingers there is very little he can do he is not qualified in areas of management and the truth is ecoglo is having a very difficult year with sales at an all time low.
Mary has just been appointed to full time teaching at the Christchurch Polytech. She only wanted part-time but felt she couldnt be choosy. Her subject is accountancy which is pretty straightforward and she needed the money.
A big "stink" in N.Z. when our Green M.P. waved a Tibetan flag at the visiting Chinese trade delegation. Was this fracas reported in China?
We send our love and best wishes.
From Mum and Dad
P.S. You can see I'm not very good on the key board yet but I will "Press on regardless" (an old war time R.A.F. expression).
Subject: one month probation
Dear Mum and Dad
I am not so much discouraged but just feel a bit cheesed off. My contract says that for the first three months my position is reviewed every month. It is now near the date of the first review. It is so easy for a company these days and puts such strain on employees. No wonder we are all going neurotic. I have had to pay this last month about a hundred dollars in taxi costs to my various schools. What with that and a new watch, I would need to have a salary advance next week. That is never a good look as it looks correctly non professional.
I am wondering if you could give me an early birthday present. A hundred dollars in my account would do. That would make me a lot happier as I could then eat western food and not have taxi problems. My first salary payment is this Friday 25. It is what is known as the proverbial straw.
I am very sorry to hear about John. It makes me think he has reached his plateau of recovery. It am sure the Dimonds would keep him on if they could. But they too are at a knife edge.
The world does seem to be moving into calamity. I don't go much into prophecy. But the third world leader predicted by Nostradamus is Mabus. A Ray Mabus is now in the international hot seat as responsible for the Gulf oil clean up and as secretary of the navy for peace and security in the eastern Mediterranean. He has an extraordinary CV and is of German ancestry.
I am suggesting instead of long delayed letters you send once a week emails. This email you sent is excellent. No spelling errors and entirely clear. Maybe you can put it all in capital letters.
My weekend is tomorrow Monday and Tuesday. I am now reading The Idiot by Dostovesky and am struggling. But I am kept going by such powerful scenes. I identify with the Idiot.
Love from Lloyd
Subject: $100 deposited today
Dear Lloyd
We are sorry that you are feeling so frustrated. However, stick to it and things will come right in the end.
The house is all topsy turvey just now as we are having a new carpet fitted into the lounge. All the furniture had to be taken out and put into the courtyard. Our old friend John Clark is doing the job, you recall him doing the porch in our Wainui house?
His employee Robert Lees walked off the job and John had to do the work himself. He finished about 9 p.m. and I invited him to have a cup of coffee - a fatal mistake for he sat talking till about midnight!
Yesterday was mid-winter's day and Mum and I went walking in brilliant sunshine. It looks as if we could do it again this morning.
Our T.V. is full of N.Z.'s soccer in S.A. It was noticeable that "The All WHites" are just that. Hardly a T.W. to be seen. How refreshing!
Let us know if things get too tough financially again.
All the very best to you
and love from your Mum and Dad
Subject: Re: $100 deposited today
Dear Mum and Dad
I am so grateful that you have helped me out without a hint of criticism. When I asked you, I considered first if this was what you would prefer. I now have the money and my financial problems are over.
If everything works out right, this really will be my birthday present. I haven't actually received any negativism, it is just I have been so burnt so often. A chat from my boss always seems to be a portend for dismissal. I think this is a very common feeling.
I had lunch today at the American restaurant. There is a very nice mall complex area in Harbin.
I vaguely recall John Clark and his long midnight stay. I recall you fatally offered him sherry.
Love from Lloyd
Subject: Are you receiving me?
Dear Lloyd
Your expected e mail hasn't arrived. This leaves doubt about whether my computer is working properly.
We are hoping to hear how you are finding your new job.
All is well here. Paul left yesterday for his cycle tour of Burma or Myana as it is called today (I think).
The weather is cold and wet this morning.
Love and best wishes from
Dad and Mum
Subject: employment issues
Dear Mum and Dad
I received both your emails. I am having some employment issues and will let you know as soon as things become more clear.
Love from Lloyd